Sunday, November 13, 2005

Update for November 12th and 13th

Hi everyone!

Patti continues to make remarkable progress. Her improvements in speech and movement on her right side are small but discernible. We are trying to focus on rejoicing in the little accomplishments and building toward the desirable outcome rather than looking at what's been lost or how far we have to go. She is adding new words daily, writing better daily and showing more and more strength in rehab. Her ability to balance herself while standing and sitting has increased dramatically. The sense of balance is one of the more difficult recovery items in a stroke.

Prayer requests:
1. Keep praying for the doctors. We still don't have a clue as to why this happened.
2. For you early risers, Patti's most difficult time of the day is the first part of the morning. That seems to be her time to grieve the most. Pray that she will recognize God's new mercies every morning and for strength through the day.
3. We are considering a rehab hospital in Dallas. It will provide world class treatment for Patti and allow me to avoid business travel during her recovery. Pray for acceptance, logistics and finances.

Patti has really enjoyed all of the cards and e-mails she has received, as have I! Thank you!

Resting in Him!



Christy Thomas said...

If you do decide to bring Patti to Dallas, I can arrange for the heart team here at Lovers Lane UMC to visit her daily--this is a wonderful ministry to help support the family and give extra reminders of the largeness and connectedness of the Body of Christ. I have not ceased in prayer for all of you.

Paige said...

YEAH!! Go MOM!! I'm soooo proud of your accomplishments so far and Todd and I have only been gone for 24 hours!!!

We Love You!! Musette says Hi too ;)

Tiffany said...

Patti and Everett family,

I am praying for you and have asked my friends to pray for you also. I am glad that you are doing better. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you.
