Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Darth Tater Rules!

This message is from Paige~

I am blogging in place of my father who is so busy that he has not had time to blog. We apologize to frequent blog readers as they have been stuck w/ the same blog for about a month.

However, a lot has happened over the last few weeks! The house in Monroe is under contract and we are anticipating the close of the sale to happen mid-July. Mike and Patti were in Monroe the last week and a half deciding what comes to Dallas, what gets sold and what gets pawned off to the kids (Which was A LOT!). We had fun going through everything.

Let's see exciting or funny news...

-Patti broke our shredder...she was shredding all the papers we didn't need and got overly enthusiastic and well...the shredder stopped. It apparently did not have the same excitement as the rest of us. So we got a new HEFTY shredder that could almost shred an entire book in one sitting. NICE.

-Mike deemed Darth Tater (Mr. Potato Head dressed as Darth Vader) as important as it was neither sold nor given away and instead rode shotgun on the way to Dallas.

- Patti has been amazing all her kids and friends with her new found tricks w/ Charlotte. She is starting to pick objects up and move them across the table. We are sooo proud!

- Patti also has been using only a staff when walking, but I didn't see her use anything this weekend which shows me she is getting better at balance and strength.

-Mike was finally called out as a complete nerd by his kids when we found out that his deepest desire is to have a Mystery Party w/ a Star Trek theme. We forgave him since he actually never had the party and we did not have to participate :)

-Abbey is looking BEAUTIFUL in her last month of pregnancy and we are all eagerly anticipating the birth of a new little boy!!

-Stephen has a nickname that we were not aware of...Pokey...we need to know who Gumby is now.

That's about it for now...Hopefully things will calm down at the Everett's place in the next week so that Dad can get back to his regularly scheduled blogging.

Happy Fourth!!!