Monday, November 14, 2005

God's Provision and a New Song!!

This is for November 14th and 15th.

Patti woke up this morning (14th) with one noticeable change: Her smile was balanced across both sides of her mouth rather than mostly left. Just another amazing miracle from our God!!!!

Today (14th) we learned, at around noon, that the Zale-Lipshy University Hospital Rehab Center in Dallas had completed their medical review and approved Patti for admission. They indicated that her condition is exactly what they like to work on and they are excited about working with her. Later, at 5 PM we learned that our insurance has approved the transfer as well! Looks like we're going to Dallas as soon as we can get the transportation and other logistics arranged! This will mean a lot for Patti's recovery as they are one of the premier rehab facilities for stroke in the world.

Then, still on the 14th, daughter Paige called up and shared a story from one of her closest friends about one of her family members who also suffered a stroke, but was completely unable to speak. One day, at a birthday party, he shocked everyone by joining in when they sang happy birthday! It turns out that many times the "singer" is on the other side of the brain from the "speaker." Well, upon hearing that, I couldn't resist. I immediately went in to Patti and said "OK, let's sing!" After I got her past the "whose side are you on?" look, she sang through happy birthday twice!!!! On the second time she sang it to me. That's the first time she has said Mike since the stroke!!!!! Then, just to prepare for the grandkids, we sang through Itsy, Bitsy Spider! She's having a little difficulty with the hand motions, needless to say, but she literally had a new song in her heart today!!

November 15th

Today the speech pathologist was amazed at Patti's ability to sing and instructed her to keep it up. He also brought her some real eggs and she got to eat her first banana today too. She's continually progressing!!

Thanks again for all your prayers. More later.



Paige said...

YEAH!!! GO MOM!!! I was so excited when Dad called and told me that you could sing!! Todd and I jumped and hugged for about 5 minutes!!

Dad- Find that Mama Mia CD!!!!! So on Thanksgiving we can rock the night away!!!

I Love You both so much!!!

Tiffany said...

That is so great. I almost started crying when I read that. I know that our prayers are working. Keep getting better!

Christy Thomas said...

This is such great news--please let me know what I may do to help get things settled in Dallas. I was deep in prayer for Patti earlier today and saw the healing taking place and the full restoration of all her faculties. I loved the part about her singing--I remember her teaching Michael to sing when he was just a baby and her noting how he could learn anything presented in song. This is life coming full circle.