Monday, November 21, 2005

The Phantom Blogger Returns

Hey everyone! Sorry to be offline so long, but circumstances have been a little out of my control for a few days. (Imagine that) Fortunately, God never takes a day off!!

Let's go back to last Thursday. Late in the evening we received a report from the Neurologist on a CT scan performed on Wednesday. I sat down with the Doc 1-on-1 and here is what he told me on a miracle-by-miracle basis:

1. The MRI done on Monday of the previous week was amazing in that it showed a complete restoration of the blood flow through the central artery into the brain. That was highly unusual being so close to the event of a "massive" stroke. He reiterated that with me to lead up to the next entry.
2. The CT scan from the day before showed such a dramatic decrease in the swelling in Patti's brain that he had to verify with the radiologist that it was the correct scan. He had never seen such a rapid decrease.
3. Also, when the swelling goes down, you have a chance to see the amount of dead brain cells in the area of the swelling which is normally extensive. The vast majority of Patti's cells have not died. He was amazed at the amount of life in the area.
4. They did find a small area of concern which looked like a potential area of bleeding, but it was described as clinically insignificant. They tested again on Friday morning and found no change indicating it was not active, no threat, and possibly just a protein accumulation.

I told Patti we have medical proof of God's healing touch upon her and that it was more than you get from some of the folks on TV!!!! Lord, thanks again for preserving her in such an obvious way that we might give you the glory!

The neurologist said that Patti is a lucky lady. I shared with him about all the prayers lifted and faith exercised on her behalf. He stated that he believed a lot of events down here are controlled upstairs. I asked when he came to believe that we actually control anything down here? He just said to keep praying. He changed the subject when I mentioned Jesus. Pray for this guy that the Holy Spirit will help him to see the obvious and turn to Jesus.

On Friday we were supposed to transport Patti to Dallas, but several minor things got in the way and we postponed to Monday as we didn't think the Dallas hospital would take us on a Saturday. Late Friday they called and said they would take us on Saturday, so we made plans. Thanks to Marsha Linam who rode with us to keep me awake and to take care of any needs Patti had on the trip (including reading jokes to her), Kay Harrison who loaned us her Suburban to carry Patti in, son-in-law Nick Bowman for acquiring an ambulance stretcher from the Ruston Fire Department and worked out the techniques for strapping it securely into the back of the Suburban, and to Christie Dollins who got the whole ball rolling by calling Kay!!

We left the hospital at 9AM Saturday morning and arrived at the Zale-Lipshy hospital about 1:30 PM. Son Mike's father-in-law Jimmy Britton went to the hospital about an hour ahead of us to alert the staff and make sure they knew when to expect us. Two male nurses met us outside and took Patti out of the car, took her to her room where three nurses from the floor immediately began taking care of her needs and getting her settled in. I was directed to admitting to complete the process. Everything went beautifully and we really felt the peace, presence and provision of the Lord.

This morning Patti got introduced to her personal physician, her therapists and regular nurses. She began therapy today with light rounds just to get her started. She will have three intensive hours a day including physical, occupational, and speech therapy. There is also a recreational therapist to help her get back into things like reading, games, television, driving, needlepointing, or anything else that she enjoys. She has access to a psychologist and just about anything else she needs including friends and family from the Dallas area.

We left the Monroe area with a lot of mixed emotions, but we believe God will bring Patti back with everything restored!!

Please remember her with cards or e-mails. The next few weeks will be physically and mentally very hard for her. And whatever you do, don't quit praying!! Many are being ministered to by the work of God in Patti's life. Faith is built up, the Word is being searched, people are re-evaluating their values and God is being glorified. We love all of you!!


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