Wednesday, November 23, 2005

They that wait upon the Lord shall...

Renew their strength.

Patti is showing increasing strength everyday! While Monday, 11/22, was an introductory day for therapy, her attitude and eagerness increased as the pace picked up on Tuesday. Patti is receiving three primary types of therapy: Physical, occupational and speech.

The Physical therapy is primarily related to the trunk and lower extremities. She has actually begun taking small steps and stepping up on stairs. What is really interesting is how the right leg muscles actually fire and offer support as she begins movement with her left. The memory of how the right and left side work together is in the brain and in the muscles and they naturally react. This means toning and strengthening of the right side muscles even though she is not voluntarily moving them yet.

Occupational is primarily working with her on basic tasks from getting dressed to brushing teeth. It will escalate to household tasks, clothing selection and any other task she performs during a day including work related functions.

Speech is working with her on reading, writing, eating and swallowing, thinking and speaking. She is even getting homework to do!

Every day she continues to speak new words and communicate more clearly. She is frustrated she can't do more, but is focused on doing as much as she can during each session. I believe God is beginning to give her a vision of wholeness for herself which she can pursue. She still is having emotional ups and downs, but the doctors and therapists all say that continues to be a good sign of recovery. Most importantly, she picks herself up and pushes forward.

On Tuesday she actually spoke her first intentional, complete sentence to me since the stroke! She looked at me and said, "Do you know what?" The only problem is I never found out what "what" was!!!

Today Patti was given another MRI by the Dallas staff. We look forward to the results. A neuro-specialist has been assigned to review her case to try to diagnose the cause. Please continue to pray for the doctors. Once they can identify a cause, the more accurately they can work to prevent future occurences!

Patti's sister Theresa came by to sort through her clothes and to go shopping for anything else she may need. Needless to say, I came under a great deal of scrutiny for my packing. We have all had a few laughs over some of the items I put in her suitcase! (Sorry, no specifics!)

Finally, Patti spent almost five hours sitting up in a wheel chair today. Her previous best was about two and a half. She was tired, but her strength is increasing. She is also able to sit up on the side of the bed with minimal assistance now. God continues to lift her up!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year in our household. Chief among them are:

1. Patti's miraculous preservation and recovery.
2. All of the prayers and support of our friends and many around the nation and the world who have interceded on behalf of Patti and our family.
3. The power, presence and peace of God.

We still have a long way to go and, perhaps, there will be some setbacks, but God continues to encourage us on a daily basis. We are learning clearly the importance of today and receiving what God has for us today rather than regretting the past or worrying about the future.

May you experience the presence of God as you gather together to give thanks tomorrow. Remember, He inhabits the praises of His people! Praise Him! Not FOR all things, but IN all things give thanks!

Psalm 92:1 - It is good to give thanks to the LORD and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning
And Your faithfulness by night...

Prayer Requests:

1. For Pastor Phil Webb. Phil and his wife Wanda are old friends of ours from our Dallas days. Phil is in ICU at Baylor Hospital - Garland, Tx with kidney failure and several other problems. He has recently been teaching on warfare and healing. Pray against the spiritual forces that are attacking him and for God's healing power to raise him up.
2. Continued progress and positive attitude for Patti.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving day with your families and friends!

Mike and Patti

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