Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thirty Two Years and Counting

Today, January 12, 2006, Patti and I celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, I'm in Florida with my brother who is ill and my other brother and my Mom and can't be with my beloved. She did receive flowers today, but as we have learned over the last two and 1/2 months, nothing can substitute for being there!

For those of you who have come this far, you know how special it is. For those of you who are still a few years short of the mark, it is worth the wait and worth working through whatever issues you feel stand in the way of getting there. God is able to work out whatever issues and problems that may be contained in a marriage. It only takes two hearts that are willing to trust Him.

In Matthew 15:8, 9 Jesus said,
8 ‘This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
9 ‘But in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’

Many times we come to church or we come into our marriage with all the right words on our lips. We can sound good, but God knows our hearts and, usually, we do too. We need to forget the "precepts of men" and examine what God commands us to do. We need to commit our hearts so that our words and our lives line up together.

Patti, I'm looking forward to the next 32!!

For us, the best is yet to come!!

I love you!


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