Today Patti and I attended our first patient conference at CNS since Patti's arrival. The objective of the conference is to review Patti's assessments and progress. In the process I want to say that there is great glory to be received by God in this report.
The overall consensus of the CNS Team including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Counseling and Residential Evaluation is that Patti is making "vast" progress.
In almost all of her activities at the apartment she requires minimal to no assistance. This evaluation includes all sorts of things such as motivation to do things, initiating activities without being asked, cooking, grocery shopping, sleeping, laundry, toileting, bathing, etc.
Physical therapy presented a lot of data on Patti's torso and leg function indicating great progress in strength, balance, flexibility and range of motion. Her desire to work and improve was noted as significant. They will be working with her over the next couple of weeks to move her from the wheelchair at the residence and rehab center on to a walker or poles. She will still stay in a wheelchair in public for safety. Again, significant progress.
Occupational therapy had much the same report. Many of the things she is able to do in terms of motor skill re-development, motion, accuracy, flexibility and control of her arm and hand all showed huge improvement in the last few weeks. They are currently working with Charlotte to strengthen wrist movement and isolate muscle movements to specific groups. Patti can now grip with Charlote when she is on the walker, but must really concentrate to maintain that grip. They were thrilled with all of her development.
Speech is the area she has the farthest to go, but even here the progress has been substantial. She will have several months of work here as she begins to put back together her reading, comprehension, math skills as well as speaking. You don't realize how complicated and extensive all these things really are until you have to start re-learning things you first learned years ago.
Counseling noted her wonderful attitude, desire to improve and strong sense of self-worth as improvement contributors as well as her strong faith in God and strong family and friend support. There was nothing in her profile that was out of the ordinary for someone in her position other than her great mental state.
Here is what's important: It is obvious to me, and I hope to you, that God continues to have His hand in Patti's amazing recovery! Praise His Name!! Patti was described today as the "star" at CNS because she has covered so much ground in so short a time. They are thrilled with her progress. Here are some factors and circumstances that should be remembered as we think about this:
1. Patti is only a little over 2 and 1/2 months removed from a "major" stroke affecting the entire left hemisphere of her brain and virtually paralyzing her entire right side and robbing her of most of her speech and short-term memory.
2. When she transferred to Dallas after two weeks in the hospital in Monroe, her therapy time there was limited by the Thanksgiving holidays, a few days of illness from a head cold, and her overall lack of strength and stamina.
3. When she transferred to CNS, she lost a lot of time due to the 4-day Christmas and 3-day New Year's holidays.
4. She had a significant interruption when she had to be hospitalized for dehydration and low blood pressure early in January.
It seems sometimes that many things were working against her improvement, but they have all been overcome and Patti's recovery goes against all normal expectations for this type of situation.
That can only be God.
Now it's true that Patti hasn't experienced a miraculous, get-up-and-walk type of miracle. But she has experienced a life changing event that God is using to develop new character qualities in Patti, myself and even our whole family. She has experienced the value of a daily walk of faith and dependence on God for even the smallest of things. Yes not all of His miracles are instant explosions of eternity in the mortal realm! In Patti's case it has been a day-by-day, on-going manifestation of the grace and power of God as He meets her needs, answers the prayers of His children and glorifies Himself through all He does through Patti.
I mention all of these things for two reasons:
1. If you have been a part of this through prayer, friendship and support including cards, letters, phone calls and e-mails, you have played a direct part in Patti's recovery and God is daily answering your prayers and ministering to Patti through you! Thank you!!!!! And be encouraged! He will answer you for all of your needs!
2. If you are visiting this web site just to find out what's going on, at the recommendation of a friend, or just by accident and you have ever wondered if God still answers prayers or even if there is a God, then this story is for you! God is interested in you and showing you how He can change your life and overcome even the most disastrous of events or dire situations by surrounding you with His love, his children and providing you with eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is what he has done and is doing with Patti and I. If you want to know more about how to allow Him to do that, click on the link to
E-mail Mike and contact me. I will be glad to get back to you with more information.
Patti still has a long way to go, but the way is shorter with God and has a rich meaning and purpose associated with it for her good and the good of others.
Love in Christ,