I know it's been an eternity since the last "real" blog and, as you might imagine, a lot has been going on.
I will try to get everything updated over the next few entries.
Patti continues to persevere and is continuing to come along well in her recovery. I don't think I ever updated the completion of the constraint therapy. It only lasted three weeks with Miss Charlotte showing good progress. The occupational therapist decided that Charlotte was far enough along that Patti would benefit more by working her hands together in tandem. Patti is now spending more time working on day to day activities with Charlotte including cooking, turning light switches on and off, opening doors, etc. She is able to open and close her hand much more easily, has complete range of motion with her arm, but is focusing now on strengthening her individual finger movements.
Recent Events:
Over Labor Day, Patti and I enjoyed a visit to Lubbock to see her parents. The trip was even more special as Abbey and her
beautiful kids (our grandkids) Cadence and Cole came along with us. We had some rare quality time with daughter, great-grandparents and grandkids!
September 23, was Patti's birthday. She celebrated by going to lunch and shopping with one of her close friends, Jan LaDue, followed by a Saturday night Fellowship Group at Prestonwood Church and then dinner with friends Dale and Cheryl Gates to finish off the evening.
Just two weeks ago, Paige and Todd were able to come over for a visit as Todd had a business meeting at DFW. The highlight of the weekend was a visit to the State Fair. Be sure and check Paige's blog for some pictures. We had fun checking out all of the Fair "specials" on clothing, appliances, cookware, etc. We also checked out the new cars, funnel cakes and corn dogs. Patti brought a wheel chair which was really weird. She hasn't been in one in so long, but it turned out to be a good idea. She walked and rode at various times as did Paige, Todd and myself! It was great always having a place to sit when you got tired!
Last week we had the latest thirty day review at the re-hab center. Progress is continuing in all areas and the staff is still really pleased with her progress. There was a lady who had also had a stroke and is about our age at the re-hab center and had much the same effects as Patti. Her right hand was completely out of commission. Just a few days ago, she decided she didn't want to work at it anymore and checked into an assisted living facility. I'm so glad that Patti has her faith to make her strong, the support of her whole family, and recognizes that she has so much to live for that quitting is a completely distasteful option. God is good!