Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Yes, we're still here!

I just want to let everyone know that we are fine. I have not blogged due to a brutal and time consuming schedule the last two weeks.

Patti was placed in the outpatient program on Monday of this week. That necessitated a move from her apartment with the rehab center to an extended stay suite which we are in right now. Monday afternoon Patti's sister Theresa and I helped Patti pack up everything and move it.

Prior to that, on Monday, I signed a lease on an apartment in North Dallas. Tomorrow, Thursday, we will have some furniture moved in and Patti will go "home" for the first time Friday afternoon. The Lord has provided many blessings in the midst of the storm of activity. I will detail those in my next blog, so stay tuned.

Thank you for your continued prayers and expressions of love! They are a lifeblood of encouragement for both Patti and I!

Forever in Him,


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