May your homes be bright with the joys of the season and may your heart be bright with the love of God!
Mike and Patti
The second video was taken in Japan as Patti and I were waiting to ride the bullet train back to Tokyo from a tour of Mount Fuji. I always wonder why we don't have things like this in Texas!?!
During the tour in Japan it was a very rainy and foggy day. The picture on the left is what we were supposed to see on the tour. The picture on the right is what we did see!!
Fortunately the clouds lifted a little later and we got to see the mountain briefly.
But, enough of Japan!
What we really came to see was family. You really don't understand how much you miss and appreciate your kids and your grandkids until you go to visit them. We had an absolutely wonderful time throughout the trip. God blessed us with easy travel and safety and the ability financially and timewise to be able to go. Patti covered more and different kinds of terrain than I think she thought possible, but did it with ease and joyful determination. But in the end, this is what we came for and, what we enjoyed the most.
Mike, Morgan, and Aidan - Thanks for a wonderful time! We will never forget it!
Mimi and Pop